Reclaim the Game
" Reclaim The Game "

A Socialist Party pamphlet

" Reclaim the Game is possibly the most revolutionary football publication on the market at present, and deals with such topics as sponsorship, all-seaters stadiums, big business and the premier league and women's football "

From 'You wot !' - Torquay united's alternative fanzine

"Using Reclaim the Game as a model, we intend to put out a similar publication over the next few months... thanks again for your help. When we produce our pamphlet, modelled on RTG, we'll send you a copy. Good luck ! While it's bloody awful to realise that across the miles there are other people having to fight the same rotten battles as us, it's also gratifying that they are fighting."

Barbara Sullivan, Secretary, Fight for Football, Victoria, Australia (Aussie Football).

Extracts from the Pamphlet º Socialist Party's Football charter

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